We were blessed immensely with new pictures and an update of Jesiah a few days ago. I'm sorry it's taken me a few days to post them! We found out Jesiah's foster brother is being adopted into the United States as well which is extremely valuable information. We are praying that God opens the doors so that we might be able to find his adoptive parents and maintain contact with them. It is so exciting to be getting closer and closer to being able to hold him in our arms and take care of him. We are waiting on our "Article 5" which is just another approval in a long process of approvals. We should have that in a week or two and then, hopefully our travel approval will follow shortly. We are still holding out for the end of November but it may be the beginning of December before we go. Either way- we are coming shortly Jesiah!!

He definitely looks like he fits into our family well (especially those of you that know Eli and his passion for sports! :). Thank you for your continued love and support. We'd love prayers, in the upcoming weeks, specifically for: our "homegrown" kiddos as we prepare to leave and while we are gone, Jesiah and his preparation to meet us, his loving foster family and their transition as he leaves them and travels to the orphanage before we arrive, his foster brother and his adoptive parents that they may be blessed, continued financial blessings as we near travel and still have a ways to go.
Side note: Our house situation has been resolved in part and things will be okay. Thank you for your prayers. God is good and merciful. He REALLY DOES MOVE MOUNTAINS!!